It’s time for a fair go for animals 

The #FairGoForAnimals campaign proposes a new framework for creating a fair and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia.

Why do we need to reform the animal welfare governance system?

    1. The system is rigged against animals.

    Decision-makers are plagued by conflicts of interest, and animal use industries have unacceptable influence over government. 

    2. Animal welfare science is being ignored.

    Under the law, decision-makers don't have to consider science when creating standards that impact on the lives of millions of animals.

    3. The public's views aren't being taken seriously.

    Australians who care about animal welfare deserve to have their views heard and reflected in animal welfare law and policy.

    4. We're lagging behind the rest of the world.

    Australia's animal welfare standards received a low ‘D’ ranking under the global Animal Protection Index.

    5. Animals deserve better.

    Animals should be treated in a way that respects their sentience and protects their welfare.

What does #FairGoForAnimals aim to achieve? 

We’re calling for six vital reforms:

    1. Ministerial recognition

    Create Ministers for Animal Welfare to remove conflicts of interest.

    2. National Animal Welfare Commission

    Establish a National Animal Welfare Commission to make the system truly independent.

    3. Animal Welfare Authorities

    Create state Animal Welfare Authorities to ensure the interests of animals are upheld under law.

    4. Decision-making principles & sentience recognition

    Introduce guiding decision-making principles into animal welfare legislation, and recognise animals as sentient beings with intrinsic value.

    5. Fair and accountable animal welfare standards processes

    Create fair and accountable animal welfare standards and decision-making processes.

    6. Adequate funding

    Allocate proper funding for animal welfare services in line with community expectations.

How can you help? 

By supporting a #FairGoForAnimals, you are joining a movement that seeks to transform Australia’s animal welfare system into one that truly respects and protects the wellbeing of animals.  

By lending your voice, you help ensure that animals are no longer sidelined by legislation that prioritises commercial interests over their wellbeing. Together, we can create a future where animal welfare laws are a true reflection of our society's compassion and respect for all creatures. Support a #FairGoForAnimals today to help build a fairer Australia for animals. 

Building a fairer Australia for animals 

Read the Alliance for Animals approach to fixing Australia’s broken animal welfare system. 

Animal welfare policy barometer 2023

The barometer presents and evaluates the findings of a representative national survey conducted by BehaviourWorks Australia exploring Australian attitudes and beliefs about animal welfare policy.

Watch our campaign launch

Watch the webinar launch recording where we discuss the campaign and our six-point framework for reform.

#FairGoForAnimals is endorsed by

  • Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds

Interested in endorsing as an organisation?

  • The current laws in Australia fail to protect animals, even when that is what they promise to do. We will never create a total ethics fashion system which puts people, our fellow animals and the planet alike before profit unless we see much needed legislative change, like that which the #FairGoForAnimals campaign calls for.

    Collective Fashion Justice

  • We agree categorically with the six points of reform the Alliance is proposing... The report recommendations are reflective of community expectations around animal welfare reform. It is Australia’s shame that a rich country like ours has been given a ‘D’ ranking in World Animal Protection’s global Animal Protection Index... Australia desperately needs to improve our country's poor record of how we treat all animals.

    Stop Live Export

  • The mark of a civilised society is how it treats its most vulnerable. Australian laws currently permit sentient animals to be tortured and horrifically slaughtered. Australia is failing animals. This is partly due to the inherent conflict of interest that arises when a government department is responsible for promoting animal exploitation and animal welfare. Animal welfare always comes second and is mostly ignored. Consequently, The Animal Law Institute supports a #FairGoForAnimals.

    Animal Law Institute

  • We recognise the importance of independent oversight over animal welfare – as well as the harm caused to animals when animal use industries drive animal welfare policy. We fully support Alliance for Animals’ campaign for a more balanced and independent animal welfare governance system in Australia.


Learn more about #FairGoForAnimals